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"To no one will we sell, to no one deny or delay, right or justice."
Magna Carta - 15th June, 1215

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Dr. Judith Pool - Discovery of Cold-Precipitated Factor VIII
Dr. Judith Graham Pool discovers that Factor VIII can be precipitated by cold from normal human plasma, produced a simple and low-cost method of preparing the Factor VIII protein which could then be easily administered to hemophiliacs.

Dr. Pool later goes on to develop a method for determining the concentration of Factor VIII in human plasma.

Source: Link #1
Additional Source: Memorial Resolution, Judith Graham Pool (1919 - 1975)
Link #3
Type: Discovery
Location: USA
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Dr. Thelin - First Highly-Purified Dried Factor VIII Concentrate
Dr. Thelin, a hemophiliac working as a scientist at Baxter, begins to develop the first factor VIII concentrate, which he initially tests by injecting himself.

He discovers that the freezing and thawing of blood plasma enables him to obtain a layer rich in factor VIII, resulting in the first highly purified dried concentrate of factor VIII.

Source: Link #1
Type: Development
Location: USA
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Judith Pool, Scientist, Stanford University
Cryoprecipitate is discovered in 1964 by a team of scientists led by Judith Pool, who was a student of Dr. J. Garrott Allen.
Source: FINAL Section: EDITORIAL REVIEW & OPINION Page: E01, SUNDAY April 16, 1995
Link #2
Type: Cryoprecipitate Discovery
Location: USA
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First Blood Clotting Factors are Produced
The first blood clotting products for haemophiliacs are produced.
Source: Link #1
Type: Press timeline
Location: UK
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Baxter Hyland Division - First Commercially Produced Factor VIII Concentrate
The first commercial Factor VIII concentrate is produced by Baxter's Hyland division in 1966 to treat hemophilia.
Source: Link #1
Type: Development
Location: USA
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