Infected Blood Inquiry

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"To no one will we sell, to no one deny or delay, right or justice."
Magna Carta - 15th June, 1215

No of entries selected: 6 of 711
CDC Meeting - Opportunistic Infections in US Hemophiliacs
The US pharmaceuticals (the Defendants) allegedly attend a meeting where the CDC publicly reports the first 3 cases of opportunistic infections among individuals with hemophilia. All 3 are reported to be heterosexual males.
Source: MDL 986 Class Action Plaintiffs Complaint (2004) LCHB, LLP, page 17.
Type: Meeting Public Report CDC Findings
Location: USA
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8 July
CDC - Bruce Evatt, M.D. - 3 US Hemophiliacs with Immune Disease
Bruce Evatt, M.D. of the CDC telephones Paul Phillips, the Executive Director of the National Hemophilia Foundation (NHF), to inform him of the first 3 reported instances of "immune disease" in US hemophiliacs.
Source: Resnik, S. Blood Saga: Hemophilia, AIDS, and the Survival of a Community (1999). Page 115.
Type: CDC Notification of Immune Disease
Location: USA
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9 July
CDC Director Dr William Foege
The director of the CDC, Dr William Foege, reports the 3 US hemophiliac cases to state and territorial health officers, blood-banking organizations, FDA, the National Institutes of Health, and regional offices of the CDC.
Source: Krever Commission Report (1997), Vol 3, Part IV, Chap. 27, page 742.
Type: CDC Report / NIH
Location: USA
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14 July
National Hemophilia Foundation
The National Hemophilia Foundation (USA) informs hemophilia patients and treating physicians about the 3 hemophiliac cases. They say that the CDC believes that the immune deficiency might be caused by a virus transmitted through blood or blood products, as is hepatitis, but that the risk of contracting this immunosuppressive agent was minimal.
Source: Krever Commission Report (1997), Vol 3, Part IV, Chap 27, page 742.
Type: Statement
Location: USA
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16 July
CDC Findings
The CDC reports that the clinical and immunologic features of the 3 US hemophiliac patients are strikingly similar to those recently observed among homosexual males and heterosexual IV drug users. At the same time, they note that the 3 hemophilia patients do not share the risk factors of the latter two groups. The CDC stated, "Although the cause of the severe immune dysfunction is unknown, the occurrence among the three hemophiliac cases suggests the possible transmission of an agent through blood products."
Source: MMWR, July 16, 1982, Page 366
Type: Findings / Reports
Location: USA
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10 December
Morbidity & Morality Weekly Report
The 3 US hemophiliac AIDS patients whose cases had been reported in July have since died. There are now 4 more cases of opportunistic infections in hemophiliacs.
Source: Krever Commission Report (1997), Vol 3, Part IV, Chap. 27, page 740.
Type: Report (MMWR)
Location: USA
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