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"To no one will we sell, to no one deny or delay, right or justice."
Magna Carta - 15th June, 1215

No of entries selected: 3 of 711
13 July
Committee on Safety of Medicines - Biologicals Sub-Committee
The Biologicals Sub-Committee of CSM recommends that very little is done about the threat of AIDS to haemophiliacs.
  • The possibility is considered of withdrawing clotting factor concentrates from the market and replacing them with cryoprecipitate. It is concluded that this is not feasible in the UK on grounds of supply. (Minutes Agenda Point 5.3)
  • The possibility is considered of withdrawing US preparations from the UK. It is concluded that this is not at present feasible on grounds of supply. Moreover, the perceived level of risk does not at present justify serious consideration of such a solution. (Minutes Agenda Point 5.4)
Source: Additional Sources: Haemophilia HIV Litigation, Advice on Settlement Doc., pp 56-58.
Link #2
Type: Minutes - Committee on Safety of Medicines
Location: UK
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13 July
CSM - Biologicals Sub-Committee - Possible AIDS Risk from Hepatitis B Vaccines
In a meeting of the Biologicals Sub-committee of the CSM, the safety of Hepatitis B vaccines are considered. Although there is no evidence at this time of any risk from vaccine material licensed in the UK, the Committee recommends that manufacturers be asked to provide ongoing data relating to "the safety of the product in relation to AIDS".

It is understood that ARVI have recommended that the PHLS undertake surveillance of recipients of Hepatitis B vaccine.

Source: Link #1
Type: Minutes - Committee on Safety of Medicines
Location: UK
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13 July
Committee on Safety of Medicines - Biologicals Sub-Committee
In a meeting in July 1983, the Biologicals Sub-Committee of CSM is aware of clotting factor manufacturers preparing advertising material for use within the UK that makes unjustified claims regarding safety in relation to heat-treated factor VIII. Fears are expressed by the Sub-Committee that the unlicensed material might be used in trials on a 'named-patient' basis.(Minutes Agenda Point 5.7, page 3)
Source: Link #1
Type: Minutes - Committee on Safety of Medicines (CSM)
Location: UK
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