Infected Blood Inquiry

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"To no one will we sell, to no one deny or delay, right or justice."
Magna Carta - 15th June, 1215

No of entries selected: 5 of 711
2 June
Dr M. D. Williams - Coventry & Warwickshire Hospital
A letter is sent to parents in the Coventry area by Dr M.D. Williams, Registrar in Haematology stating: "We are sure that you would be aware of the recent publicity about AIDS and the possible risk of this occurring in haemophiliacs using Factor VIII concentrate and we would like to monitor all our haemophiliacs because of this and we would therefore be grateful if you and your child could attend the Blood Bank for a blood test."

Note: This letter suggests that some sort of early blood test was available for HIV (probably termed HTLV-III) as early as June 1983. The date of the test is June 30th at Walsgrave Hospital Blood Bank, and the letter goes on to offer the results by 11 July 1983, which is just 11 days later.

Source: Link #1
Type: Letter
Location: UK
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27 July
DHSS - Diagnostic Test for Antibodies to HTLV-III - being used prior to 27 July 84
In a letter from the DHSS, it is clear that there is a diagnostic test available for antibodies to HTLV-III and that it's being used prior to 27 July 1984:

"Since my minute of 6 July there have been further developments regarding the radio immunoassay for antibody to HTLV III. Some 2,000 tests have been carried out on AIDS patients..."


Note: It is clear that in order for some 2,000 tests to have been carried out on Aids patients by the time the DHSS minute was written on 6th July 1984, the early diagnostic tests must have been available some months prior to this time...

Background: We know that by the Summer of 1984, the PHLS had access to 'in house' anti-HTLV-3 assays which were being developed in UK research laboratories.

Source: Link #1
Type: Recovered Document - DHSS Letter, Hannibal House. 27 July 1984
Location: UK
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PHLS - In House Anti-HTLV-3 Assays Being Developed in UK Research Laboratories
In a PHLS flowchart on the introduction of the early Anti-HTLV3 / LAV assay, we learn that in the Summer of 1984, UK research laboratories were already developing early AIDS antibody tests:

Production, Evaluation & Introduction of Screening Tests

Summer 1984: "In house" anti-HTLV3/LAV assays developed in a few foreign and UK research laboratories. PHLS Virus Reference Laboratory (VRL) and the Middlesex Hospital available as primary testing centres.

NOTE: The discovery of this new information within the latest DOH FOI release (20.05.09) is very important because we are now learning just how early on in time the diagnostic assay for Aids antibodies was available - but only to certain bodies, such as the PHLS. For the actual screening of the UK's blood donors, we had to wait another year and 3 months - i.e. until 14th October 1985, when the UK implemented Donor Screening. This is very disturbing.

Type: DOH FOI Document - PHLS Flowchart for the Introduction of the Anti-HTLV-III / LAV Assay. 4th June 1985
Location: UK
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CDC Tests
Tests are carried out at the CDC which show that non-heat treated intermediate purity factor products are known to be contaminated with HIV. The tests demonstrate that 70% of type A severe hemophiliacs and 40% of type B hemophiliacs are HIV positive.
Source: Class Action Complaint (2004) Case No. C032572 PJH Page 35
Type: Development - Test Results
Location: USA
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14 October
UK Donor Screening
Blood donors in the UK are now screened.
Source: Haemophiliac HIV Litigation, Advice on Settlement Document, Appendix 1, Chronology, pp 56-58.
Type: Development
Location: UK
Timeline Copyright ©2006 Andrew March & Haydn Lewis
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